Most of the time a person suffers from intense pain in knee while playing any sports or doing heavy work. Generally, people injure their knees is by hurting ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) present in the knee. ACL is the band of connective tissue that joins and binds bones together in the knee. It maintains the stability of the knee. You may tear or stretch ACL when you suddenly change your position or with sudden turning, running or jumping. It makes it difficult to put pressure on the knee. How Does It Happen? Sportsmen and Athletes very commonly injure their ACL with sudden break and sharp change in directions. Playing soccer, football, tennis, basketball or volleyball, or doing gymnastics are having more chances of twisting knees by mistake when opposing. Persons' speed and way of turning knee both affect the ACL tear. How does it feel? Many notice sound from knee when they get their ACL injured. PAIN- pain depends on the grade of injury. The total tear gives you intense pain.…