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Are you having absent periods? Getting cramps but not menstruating? And you have a history of frequent abortion, injury or any scaring. Then you may need to see a gynecologist. You may be suffering from ASHERMAN syndrome.

What is known as asherman syndrome?

Asherman syndrome is an uncommon uterine condition. In which scaring of the inner wall of uterus causing adhesion of anterior and posterior wall of the uterus. It may vary from mild to severe. Depending on areas of adhesion and type of adhesion (thick or thin). This condition leaves very little space in the uterus.

Presented with what kind of symptoms?

• absent periods or very light periods (amenorrhea or hypo menorrhea)
• severe cramps during the period date but menstruating sparsely
• unable to get pregnant

What is the cause or risk factor of asherman syndrome?

Near about 90 percent of Asherman syndrome cases occur due to dilation and curettage (D and C) procedures. D &C is usually done for missed abortion, elective abortion, retained placenta after delivery or incomplete abortion.

If a woman undergone D&C many times then it’s a high risk that a woman may develop asherma syndrome.

Sometimes adhesions can happen following pelvic surgeries, like a caesarean section or surgeries of uterine or ovarian cyst, fibroid or polyp.


How do I get diagnosed with asherman syndrome?

• Assessing the symptom you have
• A blood test to evaluate other illnesses.
• Ultrasonography.

Hysteroscopy is the final diagnostic procedure for asherman syndrome. The procedure involves dilatation of the cervix and inserting a hysteroscope. A small slender telescope. It can help to view inside of the womb for any scaring.

Hysterosalpingogram, inject dye and imaging it’s a pathway in uterine cavity on x-ray.


How to get it treated?

Operative Hysteroscopy (minimally invasive surgery):

Asherman syndrome can be treated by using minimally invasive surgery known as an operative hysteroscopy. Minimal invasive surgical instruments are attached to the Hysteroscope (endoscopic surgery instrument) used to separate adhesions. This minimally invasive surgery is performed under general anesthesia.

Antibiotics and estrogen tablets after surgery. A repeat hysteroscopy (endoscopic procedure) may be done after a few days to check the uterus condition.

Why Operative Hysteroscopy to be performed for asherman syndrome?

Operative Hysteroscopy (minimally invasive surgery) is the only technique to remove scaring and improve uterine quality. If you want to conceive and you have to scare of uterus you have to undergo the procedure.

Usually done on an outpatient basis.

It’s a minimally invasive surgery, making it tolerable and acceptable to the patient.

Getting a life inside you is a matter of immense pleasurable feeling. Consult you, gynecologist, if you are having a recurrent abortion. This minimally invasive surgery can do wonder in your life. Visit our site for more information